Are you an Early Adopter?

Do you see the advantage of getting in early into a program so you are on the  “ground floor”?

People always complain that they should have got a bit coin when they were worth pennies way back when.
Like $0.07 in 2010  to $66000 today ( but it has its ups and downs!)

identifies bitcoin as in the post

Wow- you could be rich today …if only!

Some people with a long-term perspective will take up offers and just sit on it to see what happens. This is the “buy and hold” investor.
I fall into that camp when it comes to stocks and shares.

Others will be looking at internet offers and be swept up in the shiny object syndrome and jump in early with no thought as to how they are going to market this latest thing.  They may stay and try and figure things out for a month or two but after that time and they have no referrals and the next subscription is due they figure “This does not work! So I am OUT”.

This constant “churn” is one factor many seasoned marketers  rely on; the constant stream of opportunity seekers. If they can tap into this sector which is always looking for the next shiny object, and they can come up with a tweak in an existing idea, or a new tweak in a process , they stand to make cash since in this hungry market place there are thousands always looking for the next best thing.

Some of us who have been here for a while will know this, resist temptation and keep plugging away with the tried and true.
But that does not mean we should be closed to new opportunities, because we must move with the times.

If  “crypto” currency is becoming mainstream we do not want to be left without a wallet!

Old man advice- be skeptical of shiny objects, but if you decide to run with one , allow time for it to prove itself one way or the other.
And that does not mean just “buy” and “hold” and expect something to happen. If you want a passive business then get into the stock market and let the company do the work on your behalf and reap the time.
If you are in your OWN business, you have to work that business. There is not such thing as passive income, it just depends where you are in the pecking order as you how much hands-on involvement you have.

Hopefully this makes sense.  If you want a stable long term business service you can sell and use on a daily basis please checkout LeadsLeap.
If you just want to donate I can give you a blockchain address you can use!

Back in the day – not so long ago, my sister who was then  in her sixties was given a Personal Computer.

She had been a full time PA and secretary to some top executives in publishing so had considerable skills with admin systems and was trained in taking shorthand and typing through the 60’s to the 80’s.
Work had obviously changed so much over the years and in her case she had seen the introduction of telex and then fax machines, electric then electronic typewriters and finally data terminals and desktop computers.  But she had never made that transition to computers as she retired in the 80’s.

I am 16 yrs younger so grew up a generation later and was more involved with technology.  I would try and assist her to do more with her desktop than play games.  Now she is not intuitive when it comes to machines.
Her main fear was that she would “break” something if she did not follow a precise set of instructions.
This can be a barrier to anyone meeting the internet for the first time.  But we know that computers – even windows is not going to break.

Worst case scenario – you reboot!

For some of you who did not have a huge experience with computers and maybe no internet marketing exposure, you may also fear that you need to be accomplished in all aspects before you can set forth on your side-hustle/business.
This is NOT true.  You do not have to have expertise to make a move.
You learn by doing the hands-on stuff, not by studying theory or watching other people!
Don’t spend all day on You Tube looking at so-called experts telling you how.
Sure if you need help with a certain process – of course YT is your go to, but working on your business is not all about spending online time watching videos or reading blogs! This one included.

Flat belly by tomorrow – and other lies!

If you read that headline “flat belly by tomorrow” you would understand that it is just hyperbole, designed to grab your attention.
When you see “Make Money Online for Free!” I hope you realise that too is NOT gospel fact.
In modern times have developed strange beliefs about money, wealth, our “rights”.
Of course we should all strive to develop to our potential, but it is not a given. It is not going to just happen.
Even with AI included, there is not automatic way to become wealthy.
And even when some win the lottery through sheer luck, they never seem to keep it because of their poor attitude and “poor” thinking. But that is off topic.


Whatever level of success you attain it will be about Attitude, Belief in yourself and Consistency, Determination and Effort.
I can’t do the whole alphabet, but you get what I am saying.
A to E it is up to you!
My wife has this habit of saying that “I make her feel …(whatever)”
I have tried forever to convince her that she is in charge of how she feels. She can DECIDE to be happy, sad, anything! SO don’t blame others for your state.

If you are working in your business with no results, don’t blame others or inanimate objects. Just get better at overcoming what is preventing you from doing what you have to do to succeed.
You cannot make excuses for what you lack. Take action to solve problems, ask questions, find answers. Do what it takes!
Then you can tick off another achievement.

Nothing I say on these posts is new.
I am not that smart to come up with anything better than what has worked for centuries.
I just continue to do what I need to do every day and reap the rewards.
Slow at first, they grow over time so my big thing is patience!
Sow the seed, tend your plot and expect to harvest later!
Don’t wait only 3 weeks, find no fruit and rip the trees out!

Mea Culpa! In the past I have come so far and not had the required stamina, mind-set or patience to see it through and sabotaged the project.
Given up! Deleted and Erased!
Bad sign!

But we all have to learn (from our mistakes), and you know deep down that it can work,it does work for others, so it is not the fault of the system, the economy, or anything you want to blame.
It comes back to mind set and my “A to E”, above.
Don’t have any more time to write – I need to get posting ads and flattening my belly!
See you later!
Old Buddy Bob 

(not my belly just for the record!)