
Your host for this site – Rob Smith aka OldBuddyBob.

I live in a rural town in Victoria, Australia. My interest in technology for education began in the 1980’s and has broadened into internet based business and marketing for home based business.
In the late 1990’s I started my own consultancy business and since retiring have helped people start their own side hustles.
Some of my mentors have been the late Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki (we almost share a birthday I am 5 days older, but he is much richer), George Smith (Investor) and a host of young entrepreneurs and marketers.

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Since retiring, I find myself with more time and less activity so I decided to explore internet marketing with a view to making some side-hustle money and also to encourage others to do the same. Supplemental income, another stream of income or just a hobby- you choose! I would still recommend that you do what it takes to establish a web presence so that you have something that you value, something that works and something that can be a legacy to your family.